Presentation of the book 'The Insular Difference. The fiscal model of the Canary Islands in historical retrospective', financed by the Government of the Canary Islands

Friday, 3 June, 2022

On Friday, June 3, the book by the Doctors and members of the Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications (IATEXT) will be presented in the Stone Classroom of the Institutional Headquarters of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria , Sergio Solbes and Daniel Castillo called "The Insular Difference. The fiscal model of the Canary Islands in historical retrospective. The Old Regime: The Royal Treasury and the process of building the State circa: 1500-1845."

The event will be attended by the Rector of the ULPG, Lluís Serra Majem, the Minister of Finance; Budgets and European Affairs of the Government of the Canary Islands, Román Rodríguez; the director of the REF Chair, Salvador Miranda Calderín, and the authors of the book.

IX Congreso Internacional de Lexicografía Hispánica

Thursday, 26 May, 2022

At the University of La Laguna, the IX International Congress of Hispanic Lexicography will be held from May 25 to 27: : «Lexicography of Spanish. Internationalization and Intercommunication» in which some members of the Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications (IATEXT) participate;  the Doctor Francisco Carreras Riudavets, the Doctor Yaiza Santana Alvarado and Professor María Teresa Cáceres Lorenzo

FIMAR 2022

Wednesday, 18 May, 2022

The Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications once again participates in the International Sea Fair that will take place from May 20 to 22 at the Pier of Santa Catalina.

At the IATEXT stand, the workshops “Blue Canary Islands: coastal heritage” will be given by researchers Daniel Castillo Hidalgo and Nayra Rodríguez Rodríguez, and “The Spanish language and the sea” by researchers Francisco Carreras Ruidavets and Gustavo Rodríguez Rodríguez. In addition, the IATEXT stand will show videos and informative posters on different research projects linked to the marine-maritime field carried out by the Institute.

Workshop Internacional 'Territórios Ibéricos e Identidades Insulares'

Thursday, 12 May, 2022

On 23 and 24 May the International Workshop ´Iberian Territories and Insular Identities´  at Colégio Almada Negreiros (NOVA) Xuventude de Galicia – Centro Exterior da UNED,  Lisbon.

The International Workshop «Insular Territories and Identities» aims to discuss and apply a methodology to the concept of identity in island border areas, specifically in the Iberian archipelagos during a period of consolidation of the Atlantic in the Modern Age. Communications will have as a starting point a unique approach for each archipelago, ending the workshop with a round table that will aim to understand the common features that identified the identity of these island and Iberian societies.
