Paleografía de lectura y normas de transcripción: retos y problemas

Tuesday, 26 April, 2022

Dr. Leonor Zozoya Montes, member of IATEXT, presents a conference entitled ""Paleography of reading and transcription standards: challenges and problems" organized by the Association of Friends of the National Historical Archive.

The Conference will be held via Google Meet on April 28 at 7:00 p.m. (peninsular time). Assistance is free upon registration in the following form.

More information: .

Study Day on the History of the Czech Republic

Thursday, 21 April, 2022

April 28 the Study Day on the History of the Czech Republic will take place in the Multipurpose Room of the University Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications.

The conference will be given by PhDr. Hana Maresova and Mgr. Pavel Krákora, Ph.D.:

10.00-11.15 Excursion to the History of Czech Enclaves in the World Prof. Hana Maresova (University of Olomouc, Czech Republic)

11.15-12.30 The First Czechoslovak Republic 1918-1938: Society, Politics and Education Prof. Pavel Krakora (University of Olomouc, Czech Republic)

IV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Internacional de Teatro Siglo 21

Wednesday, 20 April, 2022

The University Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications (IATEXT), with Doctor Carmen Márquez, participates in the IV International Congress of the AITS21 that will bring together  specialized theater researchers of the 21st century, professionals of the Performing Arts, playwrights, directors, actors and theater directors on October 12, 13 and 14 in Université de Pau et des Pays de l´Adour. 

II Seminario Internacional ´Territorios Ibéricos e Identidades Atlánticas´: Imágenes, representaciones e interpretaciones de las comunidades atlánticas, desde la Antigüedad a la actualidad.

Monday, 18 April, 2022

On 25 and 26 April the II International Seminar ´Iberian Territories and Atlantic Identities´ will take place: Images, representations and interpretations of the Atlantic communities, since Antiquity to the present in the Casa de Colón.

 The International Congress emerged in 2019 with the aim of studying, from different perspectives, the historical relations of the Atlantic world. In this second edition, the imaginaries, borders and identities that have been built on this space will be especially addressed. Likewise, this seminar has as one of its main objectives to make visible the research on the Lusophone area in the circum-Atlantic spaces with the purpose of debating about the formation of Iberian societies in the Atlantic.
