Documentation, Heritage and Atlantic History
Its main activities in basic research are focused in the fields of Modern History, Contemporary History and Economic History, covering a chronological period comprising from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries, analyzed from social, political and economic perspectives. The geographical scope of its actions is also extensive, as there are analysis lines related to both America and Africa, without forgetting the case of Spain (and consequent European links), paying particular attention to the case of the Canary Islands. In applied research and transfer, its activities research are centered in ports and maritime communities, management of water resources, the relationship between the Canary Islands and the Saharian Fisheries, the construction of the Spanish State in the eighteenth century, the historical memory of ideological repression in the Canary Islands or the Spanish socialist unionism, among others. The documentary analysis and heritage conservation related to this geographical and historical framework is one of the main objectives of the division. The results of its research activities in the Digital Humanities are intended to constitute direct transfer within the field of education, but should also help to strengthen the position of the Canary Islands as a link between Europe, Africa and America, according to the general and specific objectives of the ULPGC and those of the IATEXT.
Solbes Ferri, Sergio (coordinator)
Associate Professor
Division: Documentation, Heritage and Atlantic History
Álamo Martell, María Dolores
University Professor
Division: Documentation, Heritage and Atlantic History
Castillo Hidalgo, Daniel
University Professor
Division: Documentation, Heritage and Atlantic History
Méndez Alonzo, Manuel
Postdoctoral Researcher
División: Documentation, Heritage and Atlantic History
Hernández Suárez, Sergio
Postdoctoral Researcher
División: Documentation, Heritage and Atlantic History
Santana Montañez, Nira
Predoctoral Researcher
División: Documentation, Heritage and Atlantic History