Aplicaciones de Humanidades Digitales: Análisis de Texto
Estilometría TIP
Estilometría TIP is a web application for text analysis, a set of statistical calculations based on the morphological and syntactic characteristics of the text whose results are represented through the use of tables and graphs. The user can configure the program to analyze the desired language elements, such as connectors, speech markers, verb periphrases, phrases, specific vocabulary, anagrams, etc. These results allow analyzing the structure of the text from different points of view and also facilitate the comparison between different texts that come together in the so-called Digital Humanities.
Etiquetador Web
Etiquetador Web is a web application focused on Digital Humanities whose main function is to perform a syntactic analysis of the words in a given text. Its methodology is based on the exhaustive analysis of simple words to find out what their function is thanks to its automatic word recognition system.
This work has been funded by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Government of the Canary Islands.