
Blue Canaries. Promotion and preservation of tangible and intangible coastal heritage.

Blue Canaries. Promotion and preservation of the tangible and intangible coastal heritage is a project that aims to develop a database that allows the free computer application for society, offering complete, rigorous and attractive information on tangible and intangible heritage elements linked to the coast of the island of Gran Canaria, and endorsed by the quality seal of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and specifically, the Institute for Textual Analysis and Applications (IATEXT).

a web application for text analysis, a set of statistical calculations based on the morphological and syntactic characteristics of the text whose results are represented using tables and graphs. The user can configure the program to analyze the elements of the language that he wants, such as connectors, speech markers, verb periphrases, phrases, specific vocabulary, anagrams, etc. These results allow analyzing the structure of the text from different points of view and also facilitates the comparison between different texts that come together in the so-called Digital Humanities.


Access Canarias Azul. Promotion and preservation of tangible and intangible coastal heritage.