"When Nebrija traveled to America without getting on a ship" by María Teresa Cáceres in The Conversation

Wednesday, 30 March, 2022

María Teresa Cáceres Lorenzo, Professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and member of the IATEXT  has recently published in The Conversation: “When Nebrija traveled to America without getting on a ship.”

Elio Antonio de Nebrija was a Sevillian researcher and teacher who believed that language could be explained more clearly, as long as the students' linguistic context was taken into account. Among his works, "Introductiones latinae" stands out, a work that he updated in different editions to improve the real learning of Latin that could be explained in a clearer way than merely rote. This purpose of ordering the language made him publish more manuals in which he sought to elevate vulgar romance to the category of cultured language.

La Umbría en sus Contextos Estéticos

Tuesday, 29 March, 2022

The IATEXT Text Editing and Textual Analysis Division, in collaboration with the Cyrano Producciones, the Faculty of Philology and DISA, invite you to the Conference that commemorates the hundred years of the publication of La Umbría, by Alonso Quesada "La Umbría in its aesthetic contexts", which will take place next Thursday, 7 April at 10:00 am in Room 15 and at 6:00 pm in Room 22 of the Humanities Building. Specialists from the universities of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and La Laguna will take part, as well as the director of the production that will premiere in the fall and other members of the company.

Attendance is free, but if you wish to obtain a certificate, you can send your name and email to iatext@ulpgc.es

Seminario "Emilia Pardo Bazán y Portugal"

Monday, 14 March, 2022

The Text Editing and Textual Analysis Division of IATEXT, in collaboration with The Instituto Cervantes de Lisboa and the Universidad Nova de Lisboa invite you to the "Emilia Pardo Bazán and Portugal" Seminar, which they have organized and which will take place next Tuesday, March 15, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Great specialists in the life and work of the Galician author take part, in addition to the great-grandson of Eça de Queiros, about whom Dona Emilia spoke on several occasions.

Attendance is free, but if you wish to obtain a certificate, you can send your name and email to iatext@ulpgc.es

Join Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91444874019?pwd= UE5XNWFkZGRSbXNDWlIrOTZnMGNzZz09

Los Principios de Retórica de Aftonio con anotaciones de Juan de Mal Lara realizado por los investigadores de la División de Retórica, Humanismo y Tradición Clásica del IATEXT.

Thursday, 3 March, 2022

The publishing house Ediciones Clásicas has recently published the book Aphtonio's Principles of Rhetoric with annotations by Juan de Mal Lara, which has been written by IATEXT Division of Rhetoric, Humanism and Classical Tradition María Dolores García de Paso Carrasco, Trinidad Arcos Pereira, María Elisa Cuyás de Torres and Gregorio Rodríguez Herrera.
