Aplicaciones de Humanidades Digitales: Lengua española


BDME TIP is a web platform of Digital Humanities for the morphogenetic study of the lexicon. It is a visualization tool that allows us to represent, either in the form of graphs -close to tree diagrams-, or in linear form, the lexical families and subfamilies of Spanish. The application transfers to the visual representation part of the morpho-etymological information stored in a Morphological Database of Spanish (BDME). Project developed within the framework of the collaboration agreement signed between the RAE, the USC and the IATEXT (ULPGC).



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Caneo TIP

CANeo TIP is a Digital Humanities web tool that identifies possible suffix, prefix and parasynthetic neologisms. It detects the root of the neologism and composes the primitive word from which it comes and provides an estimate of the grammatical category of the neologism.





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Conjugador TIP

Conjugador TIP shows the simple and compound conjugation of more than 14,000 Spanish verbs with the contribution of Digital Humanities. It classifies all the irregularities of each conjugation and accepts any conjugated form as input.





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Corrector ortográfico

Speller TIP is an online application of Digital Humanities that allows to obtain the most similar words to a given one. The result is displayed in two word lists: Similar and Suggestions.






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Familias TIP

Familias TIP uses a database related to Digital Humanities that shows the family of words, also known as lexical family, of a given word. The set of words that share the same root constitutes what is called the word family or lexical family. Words that have been formed from others by adding an affix are called derived words, and words that lead to the formation of other words are called primitives. That is, a word (derived) is formed from another (primitive), then the set of words derived from the same primitive constitutes the family of words or the lexical family of the primitive.



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Flexionador TIP

El «Flexionador Nominal Inteligente» is a natural language processing tool for the Spanish language. It consists of a web application capable of obtaining all the inflections of a given word, as well as being able to find the canonical form of an entered inflection. You can deal with nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, etc. And although it recognizes the verbs, it does not conjugate them. In this Digital Humanities work, diminutive, augmentative and derogatory appreciatives are considered nominal inflections. The inflections it shows are mainly gender and number and the superlative for adjectives, among others less frequent



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Frases TIP

Frases TIP is a Digital Humanities web application that allows you to search for example phrases in a corpus of more than twelve million different phrases. The example sentences are sorted by the number of words in each sentence and you can filter your search by selecting a range of the number of words in the result sentences. Phrases TIP supports three search options: search with order, search with order and distance and number of words: These options allow you to filter the search result to examples of phrases with a number of words in the selected range. 



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Números TIP

Números TIP linked to the Digital Humanities, it converts a number written with figures to its text according to various interpretive contexts: cardinality, ordinality, fraction and multiplication, and from other areas: Romans, sets or collectives, polygons, polyhedrons and ages.




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Palabras TIP

Palabras TIP is a Digital Humanities program that is used to search, through filters, examples of words that meet certain characteristics related to character position and content, morphology, syllabic and grammar.





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Sílaba Tónica TIP

Sílaba Tónica TIP shows all the stressed and unstressed syllables that a word in Spanish can have. It offers information related to the Digital Humanities and, about its syllables, the type of stress (acute, llana, esdrújula, sobresdrújula and llandrújula), if it has diphthongs, triphthongs or hiatus, as well as the position of the stressed and unstressed syllables.




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Silabeador TIP

Silabeador TIP separates any Spanish word into syllables. It is based on orthographic criteria that is complemented by a Digital Humanities tool that performs morphological analysis and, with a database that has more than 80 thousand semantic-lexical relationships.




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