Learning languages ​​online and for free: a possible goal

Friday, 27 January, 2023

The Conversation has issued a report on the real impact of published articles, with the intention of measuring what repercussions do they have .

Doctor and member of the Variation and Linguistic Change Division of IATEXT,&nbsp ;María Esther Rodríguez Gil, has been highlighted thanks to her article Learning languages ​​online and for free: a possible objective, published in September of last year.

 Dr. Rodríguez Gil dedicated her article to disseminate the existence, functions and possibilities of the University's Resource Center for Autonomous Language Learning, as a tool at the service of society for those people who want to start in a language or improve it. 

Presentation of the VII Monleón Prize

Friday, 27 January, 2023

On January 25, 2023, the VII Research Award  "José Monleón" convened by the Academy of Performing Arts in collaboration with UNIR.

Doctor and IATEXT member, Carmen Márquez Montes, the academic and doctor Margarita del Hoyo (director of the Arts and Humanities Area of ​​UNIR), César Oliva, 2nd Vice President, (Department of Studies and Activities),  and Rodolf Sirera, a member of the Academy.

The VII “José Monleón” Academia-UNIR Research Prize was awarded to Manuel Barrera Benítez for his essay Theater and criticism. Theory of Criticism and critical appraisals, which received the award in December 2021. 

Toma de posesión del equipo directivo del IATEXT.

Wednesday, 25 January, 2023

During the morning of yesterday, January 24, 2023, the inauguration of the management team of the University Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications took place.

This act was presided over by the Rector of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Lluís Serra Majem in the room on April 26 of the Institutional Headquarters of the ULPGC.

Full story: https://www.ulpgc.es/noticia/2023/01/24/toma-posesion-cargos-iatext


Professor Josefina Domínguez presents a report on the demographic challenge and territorial balance in the Canary Islands in the Parliament of the Canary Islands

Tuesday, 24 January, 2023

On January 23, 2023, the director of the IATEXT division, Group Research Committee on Atlantic Societies and Spaces, Josefina Domínguez Mujica, presented a report on The demographic challenge and territorial balance in the Canary Islands before a committee of the Canary Islands Parliament, which was very well received. It has been echoed by a large number of media outlets in the archipelago.

The full content of his presentation can be found in the video at this link: https: //www.parcan.es/video/jornada/38407/8691/ .

This is an activity to transfer knowledge to society, in which the Research Institute for Textual Analysis and Research is fully committed.
