"Reform and hospital models in Castile: the case of the Fernández de Velasco family (1374-1517)", artículo del investigador Raúl Villagrasa-Elías.

Sunday, 11 February, 2024

Researcher Raúl Villagrasa-Elías has joined as substitute professor in the Department of Historical Sciences at the ULPGC and as collaborating member at IATEXT

He has recently published an article in the journal Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, the Magazine of the University of Salamanca titled "Reform and hospital models in Castile: the case of the Fernández de Velasco family (1374-1517)" where he makes a re-evaluation of the reform processes of the healthcare frameworks through the experience of the Fernández de Velasco family.

El Instituto Universitario de Análisis y Aplicaciones Textuales de la ULPGC cumple sus primeros diez años.

Logo 10 años
Thursday, 8 February, 2024

The ULPGC has echoed the tenth anniversary of the University Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications and has published a news item to better publicize the Institute and all the achievements of these 10 years.

The IATEXT is the only research institute dedicated to Digital Humanities in the Canary Islands, and in this first decade its 89 assigned researchers have signed a scientific production of more of 2,300 publications.

Candelaria González Rodríguez and María Luisa Monteiro Quintana would curate the exhibition Neither by chance nor by chance! Singular women in the surroundings of Negrín

Monday, 5 February, 2024

Last Saturday, February 3, the inauguration of the exhibition took place. Neither stupid nor crazy! Singular women in the surroundings of Negrín that will remain open until June 20. IATEXT researchers Candelaria González Rodríguez and María Luisa Monteiro Quintana, members of the Documentary Heritage and Bibliometrics Division, have participated in this exhibition as curators.

The exhibition that has required research work on documentary collections deposited in the Juan Negrín Foundation Archive and that has been possible thanks to the collaboration with the Juan Negrín Chair attached to IATEXT. She approaches 17 women: writers, politicians, scientists, journalists, thinkers, artists, civil servants, activists and even militia members who had a professional, political or friendship relationship with the Canarian socialist.


Monday, 5 February, 2024

The Canaria Scientific and Technological Park Foundation of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has opened the deadline for the Call to hire a project technician (TCP3 – MECES3) for the project European RE-PLACE.

The contract will be 37.5 hours per week, with exclusive dedication to the project being essential. 

The gross monthly remuneration will amount to €1,591.49/month

The work center will be in the facilities of the Obelisco University Campus. Calle Pérez del Toro, 1. 35003, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 

A six-month trial period will be established during which the employment relationship may be terminated at the request of either party. Situations of temporary disability, maternity, and adoption or foster care, which affect the worker during the trial period, will interrupt its calculation. 
