Coloquio Internacional Retórica, Progymnasmata e Humanidades Digitais
Thursday, 2 March, 2023
Professors Trinidad Arcos Pereira and Gregorio Rodríguez Herrera, members of the Rhetoric, Humanism and Classical Tradition Division, together with Cristina Santos Pinheiro and Joaquim Pinheiro, from the University of Madeira, organized the Colloquium Rhetoric, Progymnasmata and Digital Humanities.
This colloquium will take place on March 8 2023 at the University of Madeira, Room 1.114 (Campus da Penteada) at 10:00 a.m.
This event is supported by "The Progymnasmata in European education (XVI-XVII): from manuals to classroom practice [PDI2019-10384ES-100], subsidized by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain.