The IATEXT-ULPGC develops a Search Engine with Artificial Intelligence to locate articles on the dissemination platform 'The Conversation'

Thursday, 10 February, 2022

The University Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications (IATEXT), has developed an Search-AI in the articles published on The Conversation website, a scientific dissemination platform to which the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria joined in 2020.

This Digital Humanities application created thanks to Artificial Intelligence allows you to search for academic and scientific content with the help of linguistic resources such as the exact search (Search with order), by motto, by grammatical category and distance (measured in number of words) between the search terms. In addition, you can search and filter articles by publication date, scope and keywords, as well as set the size of the context of the phrase in its dropdown.

The result is initially displayed in a list of phrases that fit the search pattern. Each sentence has a dropdown that contains the context of the sentence and, to the right, an informative icon allows access to the article details: title, description, publication date, authors, scope, keywords and a link to the full article in the web The Conversation.

This application has been computer developed by researchers at the Division of Computational Linguistics and Computer Applications from IATEXT, Francisco Javier Carreras Riudavets, Gustavo Rodríguez Rodríguez and Zenón Hernández Figueroa and also by computer engineer Orlando Belloch Díaz.

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