First Seminar on Educational Innovation in the Teaching of Spanish and Spanish Literature at Secondary Level. March 18th 2017.
The Educational Innovation Group in Humanities at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, working within the Project for Educational Innovation called Espacios y Contextos (Space and Context) is holding, in collaboration with the IATEXT, the First Seminar on Educational Innovation in the Teaching of Spanish and Spanish Literature at Secondary Level on March 18th 2017.
This seminar aims to create a space for exchange between young and veteran teachers of secondary school in order to foster creativity and energy in aspiring secondary school teachers. Both groups are essential to make the most out of the creativity and energy of young people so it can be appropriately executed and channeled, taking into consideration the experience of veteran teachers in the field of secondary education.
The entity in charge of organizing the event is the Educational Innovation Group in Humanities in the frame of the Project for Educational Innovation “Espacios y Contextos”. The members of the Innovation Group are secondary school teachers and members of the Institute in Text Analysis and Applications (IATEXT) at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
The location of the seminar is the headquarters of the Institute in Text Analysis and Applications at the former Santa Teresa Secondary School (the entrance is located in the Humanities building at the Obelisco Campus).
There are limited places. In order to register for a place, you can send the application form to the following address:
Attendance to the seminar will be recorded and certified.
The deadline to register is March 16th 2017.
The criteria considered for admission prioritizes the following circumstances.
1. Applicants will be selected on a “first come, first serve” basis
2. Applicants holding a teaching position in Spanish and Spanish Literature at Secondary Level.
3. Applicants enrolled in the Masters program for Teacher Training.
4. Applicants holding a teaching position in Spanish and Spanish Literature in general.
The list of admissions will be published in the IATEXT website:
The sessions at the seminar will last 10 minutes, after which a 5-minute period of discussion will take place. All sessions have been devised and arranged by students of the Masters in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, High School, Vocational, Training and Teaching of Languages at the Faculty of Teacher Training, and also by students of the Masters in Spanish and Its Culture at the Faculty of Translation. The students, who will be in charge of the presentations, have created them stemming from their final degree dissertations.
9:00 Recepción y entrega de materiales
9:15 Bienvenida y presentación. Dra. Carmen Márquez Montes, directora del Departamento de Filología Hispánica de la ULPGC.
9.45 Comunicación: Aproximación a una deontología del docente de LCL, Jorge Romeu Montserrat, alumno del MFP.
10.00 Comunicación: Didáctica de la ortografía en la Educación Secundaria, Idaira Santana Caballero, alumna del MFP.
10:15 Comunicación: El aprendizaje cooperativo como metodología inspiradora en un centro educativo de Secundaria, Francisco José Palomero Fernández, IES Arguineguín
10:30 Comunicación: El articuento en el aula de FPB: propuesta didáctica para romper con la monotonía, Garirayga M. Sosa Gil, Máster en Español y su Cultura, Centro Sopeña Las Palmas.
10:45 Pausa
11:15 Comunicación: Propuesta de innovación docente: las palabras olvidadas, Isabel Gil y Nira Agudo, alumnas del MFP.
11:30 Comunicación: Literatura y ELE: los articuentos de J.J. Millás como herramienta didáctica en las clases de Español como Lengua Extranjera Garirayga M. Sosa Gil, Máster en Español y su Cultura, Centro Sopeña Las Palmas.
11.45 La dramatización como herramienta socioeducativa, Laura Campos Castro, alumna del MFP.
12:00 Comunicación: Docencia de lengua española a través de la gramática creadora: propuesta didáctica elaborada a partir de un cuento de Antonio Soler, Ariane de León Rivero, alumna del MFP.
12:15 Comunicación: El Quijote en el aula de ELE, Magdalena Cyron, alumna del Máster en Español y su Cultura.
12:30 Comunicación: Literatura con cante para aprendientes de ELE, M.ª del Carmen Servio Aragón, alumna del Máster en Español y su Cultura.
12:45 Mesa redonda y cierre.