International Symposium LEARNING SCRIPTS, FORGETTING SCRIPTS. New approaches to the History of writing in the Roman West.
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Jueves 8 / Thursday 8th
SESION 1 / Presidency: Gregorio RODRÍGUEZ
9h50 Renata SPRINGER (Independent Researcher)
Las inscripciones líbico-bereberes de Canarias
10h10 Debate
10h25 Irma MORA AGUIAR (Universidad de La Laguna)
La dispersión de la escritura líbico-bereber desde Numidia hasta Canarias
10h45 Debate
11h00 Break
SESSION 2 / Presidency: Enrico BENELLI
11h15 Corinna SALOMON (Universität Wien)
The Raetic alphabets – local variants or independent traditions?
11h35 Debate
11h50 Simona MARCHESINI (Alteritas, Verona / COST Action Ancient European Languages and Writings)
Literacy in Pre-roman Apulia. Theoretical framework and documentation
12h10 Debate
12h25 Víctor SABATÉ VIDAL (Universitat de Barcelona)
Alfabetos y recursos gráficos en las defixiones en escritura griega de Sicilia y Magna Grecia
12h45 Debate
13h00-14h30 Lunchtime break
SESSION 3 / Presidency: Alex MULLEN
14h30 Enrico BENELLI (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
Scritture diverse, grafemi condivisi: scrivere le lingue sabelliche / Shared graphemes in differing writing systems: writing Sabellian languages
14h50 Debate
15h05 Nicholas ZAIR (Cambridge University)
An acute problem: glides, diphthongs and vowels in the Oscan alphabet
15h25 Debate
15h40 María José ESTARÁN TOLOSA (Universidad de Zaragoza)
El aprendizaje del alfabeto latino. Alphabet-switching, adaptaciones grafemáticas e influencias paleográficas en el Occidente mediterráneo (s. I a. C. - s. I d. C.)
16h00 Debate
16h15 Break
SESSION 4 / Presidency: María José ESTARÁN
16h35 Cristina GIRARDI (DAI München)
Religious Aspects of Cultural Transition Zones in the Regio X between Epichoric Languages and Latin
16h55 Debate
17h10 Gabriela DE TORD BASTERRA (Universidad de Zaragoza)
La escritura como factor de cambio en las religiones indígenas
17h30 Debate
Viernes 9 / Friday 9th
SESSION 5 / Presidency: Javier VELAZA
9h15 Joan FERRER (Universitat de Barcelona)
La escritura turdetana en el contexto de las escrituras paleohispánicas
9h35 Debate
9h50 Ignacio SIMÓN CORNAGO (Università Tor Vergata)
El sureste ibérico: un ejemplo de diversidad de escrituras (siglos V-I a.C.)
10h10 Debate
10h25 Javier HERRERA RANDO (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Hábito epigráfico y latinización en la Hispania meridional
10h45 Debate
11h00 Break
SESSION 6 / Presidency: Renata SPRINGER
11h15 Javier VELAZA (Universitat de Barcelona)
El nacimiento de la escritura en la Celtiberia: hipótesis tradicionales y nuevas evidencias
11h35 Debate
11h50 José María VALLEJO (Universidad del País Vasco – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
Adquisición de la escritura en el Occidente romano: el caso lusitano
12h10 Debate
12h25 Noemí MONCUNILL (University of Nottingham – University of Oxford - IATEXT)
The Iberian script under Roman domination
12h45 Debate
13h00-14h30 Pausa ( comida ) / Lunchtime break
SESSION 7 / Presidency : Simona MARCHESINI
14h30 Alex MULLEN (University of Nottingham)
Literacy in the Roman West
14h50 Debate
15h05 Katherine FORSYTH (University of Glasgow, Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies)
The ‘prehistory’ of ogham: the ogham script before ogham stones
15h25 Debate
15h40 Tineke LOOIJENGA (University of Groningen)
How the runes were lost and won
16h00 Debate
16h15 Break
SESSION 8 / Presidency: José María VALLEJO
16h35 Manuel RAMÍREZ SÁNCHEZ (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, IATEXT)
Nuevas fronteras en la epigrafía digital: el oficio de epigrafista hoy
16h55 Debate
17h10 Milagros NAVARRO CABALLERO, Nathalie PRÉVÔT (Ausonius, CNRS- Université Bordeaux Montaigne)
Etudier l'écriture en Aquitaine romaine avec Petrae, pour ne pas oublier
17h30 Debate
17h45 Giovanna ROCCA (Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione, IULM, Milano), Marta MUSCARIELLO (Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione, IULM, Milano), Giulia SARULLO (Independent Researcher)
Some remarks on the rendering of velars in the archaic Latin inscriptions
18h05 Debate
Closing of the workshop
Noemí MONCUNILL (University of Nottingham – University of Oxford - IATEXT)
Manuel RAMÍREZ SÁNCHEZ (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, IATEXT)
Symposium supported by a 2017 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation. The Foundation accepts no responsibility for the opinions, statements and contents included in the project and/or the results thereof, which are entirely the responsibility of the authors.
Advertising and graphic identity: Gabinete de Comunicación de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria