Archivi, documents and memory of the Middle Ages all'Età Contemporanea. Dalla generation, transmission and conservation of testi all the dissemination of information.
DURATION : 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021
ENTITY OF CONSTRUCTION : University of Las Palmas de Gran & nbsp; Canaria
ENTITY / FINANCIAL COMPANY / S : University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / ULPGC Research Aid Program
MAIN RESEARCHER : Leonor Zozaya-Montes
- Alicia Rodríguez Álvarez (ULPGC, IATEXT)
- M. Victoria Domínguez Rodríguez (ULPGC, IATEXT)
- Manuel Ramírez Sánchez (ULPGC, IATEXT)
This project aims to study the history of archives and their documentary collections from several points of view. It also proposes to analyze various aspects of other texts and documents - archived or not - ranging from the creation of a written document, to the use, generation and conservation of documents, to the transmission of memory and the dissemination of information, starting from the basis that it was not found or disseminated through the Scriptural media alone. The information and memory did not remain exclusively in the archive, nor was it transmitted only through written medium, nor was it just something static that lay materialized in the form of dusty files in an ark. It should also be remembered that outside the archival collections there were numerous scattered documents (a notice would be a good example of all this, for example). Studying all of this together, where many data interact and complement each other, will illuminate another vision that will further delve into society's role in the use, transmission, retention and dissemination of written or oral information in the past.
One of the results of this project is the Congress on the History of Archives, Documents and Information (CHADI), in blended mode (22-23 / 07/2021), whose information consists of
Alicia Rodríguez-Álvarez, "The epigraphs on the covers of the English dictionaries of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: the survival of humanistic education". Digital Ringtones 40 (2021), 1-32.
Zozaya-Montes, L. (2021): "Notions on paleography, that autonomous science that studies writing... written not only on soft matter", LaborHistorico. Monographic Paths of Paleography [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro],, v. 7 (no. 3), p. 696-724, available at;
María Victoria Domínguez Rodríguez (2022): Gynecology in the work of Gilbertus Anglicus. The sekenesse of wymen (15th century), Introduction, critical edition and translation by María Victoria Domínguez Rodríguez, Madrid classic editions.
Book Chapters
Zozaya-Montes, L. (2020): “Experimental paleography in a paleography laboratory. Proposal for teaching innovation”, in Manuel Jesús Cardoso Pulido, Juan Ramón Guijarro Ojeda and Eugenio Maqueda Cuenca (coords.): Reinventing teaching in the 21st century, Valencia, Tirant Humanities, pp. 475-487.
Zozaya-Montes, L. (2020): “The teaching of Paleography: from the old to the new technologies and study techniques”, in Andrea Felipe Morales, Raúl Cremades García and Juan de Dios Villanueva Roa (coords.): Teaching for the 21st century: methodological advances and new strategies, Valencia, Tirant Humanities, pp. 487-501.
Leonor Zozaya-Montes (2022): “Arouns the teaching of transcription rules in paleography teaching: observations, problems and reflections”, en Laura V. Fielden Burns, Rafael Marfil Carmona, Karim Gherab Martín (coords.): Propuestas didácticas actuales, Madrid, Thomson Reuters ARANZADI, pp. 463-475.
Zozaya-Montes, L. y José Moltó (2022): “Teaching and transmission of oral tradition knowledge from sociability spaces to social networks”, en María Zozaya (coord.): De la sociabilidad al patrimonio cultural, Editorial Comares, pp. 43-64.
Zozaya-Montes, L.: (2023) "From the cane to the calamus of cane and bamboo to do experimental paleography in the classroom", in Almudena Barrientos Báez, Arantza Lorenzo de Reizábal and David Caldevilla Domínguez (coords.): Communicative competencies in higher education, Madrid, Ed.Tecnos, pp. 405-420.